English is our shared language of instruction and communication. In a PYP school the focus is not just on learning language in isolation, but also on the application of language skills across the subject areas and throughout the Programme of Inquiry. Some language is taught as ‘stand-alone’, while other aspects of language are taught in the context of our Units of Inquiry.
We believe students learn best when they have opportunities to learn within meaningful contexts, and when the teaching is in response to students’ needs, interests and previous experiences. Students at OurPlanet come from a wide range of language and cultural backgrounds, which we view as a major asset to our learning community.
Students develop skills in the following strands of language learning :
What will students will be working on this year?
Viewing and Presenting (Securing phase 3 and starting phase 4)
- View, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form
- Describe personal reactions to visual messages; reflect on why others may perceive the images differently
- Understand and explain how visual effects can be used to reflect a particular context
- Recognize and name familiar visual texts and explain why they are or are not effective, for example, advertising, logos, labels, signs, billboards
- Interpret visual cues in order to analyse and make inferences about the intention of the message
- Explain how relevant personal experiences can add to the meaning of a selected film/movie; write and illustrate a personal response
- Identify aspects of body language in a dramatic presentation and explain how they are used to convey the mood and personal traits of characters
- Design posters and charts, using shapes, colours, symbols, layout and fonts, to achieve particular effects; explain how the desired effect is achieved
- Dsiscuss a newspaper report and tell how the words and pictures work together to convey a particular message
- Prepare, individually or in collaboration, visual presentations using a range of media, including computer and web-based applications
- Discuss and explain visual images and effects using appropriate terminology, for example, image, symbol, graphics, balance, techniques, composition
- Experience a range of different visual language formats; appreciate and describe why particular formats are selected to achieve particular effects
- Observe and discuss the choice and composition of visual presentations and explain how they contribute to meaning and impact, for example, facial expressions, speech bubbles, word images to convey sound effects
- Realize that visual presentations have been created to reach out to a particular audience and influence the audience in some way; discuss the effects used and how they might influence the audience
Reading (Securing phase 3 and starting phase 4)
- Read a variety of books for pleasure, instruction and information; reflect regularly on reading and set future goals
- Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction and select books appropriate to specific purposes
- Understand and respond to the ideas, feelings and attitudes expressed in various texts, showing empathy for characters
- Recognize the author’s purpose, for example, to inform, entertain, persuade, instruct
- Understand that stories have a plot; identify the main idea; discuss and outline the sequence of events leading to the final outcome
- Appreciate that writers plan and structure their stories to achieve particular effects; identify features that can be replicated when planning their own
- Use reference books, dictionaries, and computer and web-based applications with increasing independence and responsibility
- Know how to skim and scan texts to decide whether they will be useful, before attempting to read in detail
- As part of the inquiry process, work cooperatively with others to access, read, interpret, and evaluate a range of source materials
- Identify relevant, reliable and useful information and decide on appropriate ways to use it
- Access information from a variety of texts both in print and online, for example, newspapers, magazines, journals, comics, graphic books, e-books, blogs, wikis
- Know when and how to use the internet and multimedia resources for research
- Understand that the internet must be used with the approval and supervision of a parent or teacher
Writing (Securing phase 3 and starting phase 4)
- Write independently and with confidence, demonstrating a personal voice as a writer
- Write for a range of purposes, both creative and informative, using different types of structures and styles according to the purpose of the writing
- Show awareness of different audiences and adapt writing appropriately
- Select vocabulary and supporting details to achieve desired effects e.g. adjectives and powerful verbs
- Organize ideas in a logical sequence
- Reread, edit and revise to improve their own writing, for example, content, language, organization
- Begin to take notes and summarise research using own words. (Paraphrasing)
- Use appropriate punctuation with increasing accuracy. E.g. full stop, capital letter, comma, question mark, exclamation mark, speech marks and apostrophes for contraction and possession
- Use accurately writing conventions: parts of speech (nouns –singular and plural, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, articles, prepositions) and use in the sentences
- Identify the use of powerful verbs and descriptive language E.g adjectives, adverbs, similes and metaphors in narrative writing and poetry
- Use verb tenses with increasing accuracy in writing e.g present, past and future tenses
- Use commas to mark off grammatical boundaries within a sentence
- Group sentences about similar information together to form a paragraph
- Write more complex sentences using conjunctions and time connectives
- Identify word order in positive and negative statements and questions
- Explore and use in writing letter patterns, e.g. prefixes, suffixes, compound words, contractions etc
- Use a range of strategies to record words/ideas of increasing complexity
- Realize that writers ask questions of themselves and identify ways to improve their writing, for example, “Is this what I meant to say?”, “Is it interesting/relevant?”
- Check punctuation, variety of sentence starters, spelling, presentation
- Use a dictionary and thesaurus to check accuracy, broaden vocabulary and enrich their writing
- Work cooperatively with a partner to discuss and improve each other’s work, taking the roles of authors and editors
- Work independently, to produce written work that is legible and well-presented, written either by hand or in digital format